"Bill Carman possesses a heartfelt passion and sincere dedication to the great outdoors and the critters we have to responsibility to conserve. His Hunt Simple- Becoming a Better Hunter is not just a critical look at the technology that is pervasive in today's hunting industry. The book offer practical alternatives in a conversational style that is entertaining and informative. Bill's real life stories offer candid and eye-opening glimpses of techno-toys like ozone machines, mechanical broadheads, and even smart-phones that will make you want to step back and jerk the reins on where we are going as a hunting community. Some of Bill's advice could be straight out of the Boy Scout Handbook, but many of his techniques were developed from over fifty years of bowhunting big game. This book is a must-read for any serious outdoor enthusiast"
-Kim Delozier, outdoorsman, conservationist, and author of the Bear in the Backseat book series.
Hunt Simple - Becoming a Better Hunter
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